Rebuilding School Management CRM with Improved Front-end and Backend Functions

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  • Rebuilding School Management CRM with Improved Front-end and Backend Functions



Software Development


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Problem Statement

Our client, a school management CRM provider, wanted to rebuild their application’s front-end from scratch and optimize the backend functions to improve the application’s speed and performance. They approached us for our expertise in front-end development and backend optimization.


Our team of experts started by conducting a thorough analysis of the client’s application to understand its current functionality and the improvements required. We worked closely with the client to identify the pain points and the user requirements for the application.

We then created a plan of action to rebuild the front-end from scratch, using the latest front-end development technologies and tools. We also optimized the backend functions to improve the application’s speed and performance. We worked on improving the database structure and implemented caching techniques to reduce the server’s load.

Our team worked closely with the client throughout the project, providing regular updates and addressing any issues that arose. We ensured that the application’s design was user-friendly and that the new features were aligned with the client’s requirements.


The client was extremely satisfied with our work, and they gave us a 5-star review. They appreciated our quick response and efficient handling of the issue. They were impressed with our expertise and professionalism, and they expressed their desire to work with us again in the future.


Our team successfully rebuilt the school management CRM’s front-end from scratch and optimized the backend functions. The new application was faster, more responsive, and more user-friendly. We ensured that the new features were aligned with the client’s requirements and that the application’s functionality was optimized for speed and performance.

The client was extremely satisfied with our work and gave us a 5-star review. They praised our expertise and professionalism and were impressed with our ability to understand the challenging concepts introduced to us. They appreciated our creative problem-solving approach and the value we added to the project.


This case study highlights the importance of having a reliable and experienced team to handle complex front-end development and backend optimization projects. Our team was able to provide prompt and efficient solutions to our client’s problems, resulting in their satisfaction and positive feedback. We are committed to providing our clients with the best possible service and support and look forward to helping them with their future projects.

Modern software for better communication

Modern software for better communication

Modern software for better communication

Modern software for better communication

Modern software for better communication

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